четверг, 3 ноября 2011 г.

IDC and Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus

coronary insufficiency, MI, d. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pulmonary tuberculosis, G respiratory diseases, hypertension, SS disease with marked increase in AT and decompensation of cardiac activity, increased intracranial pressure, severe kidney disease and liver, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, total exhaustion (cachexia), acidosis; contraindicated if during the operation will be used electrocoagulation, children and pregnant women. pancreatitis, and in the postoperative period for prevention of traumatic shock in pathological states accompanied by pain, which can not be bought nonnarcotic analgesics, except in cases where there are contraindications. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR - urticaria, angioneurotic edema, skin rash and itching, skin hyperemia, anaphylactic shock, depression or respiratory arrest, hipersalivatsiya, ratter bronchospasm, hypertonus muscles, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, arrhythmia, drowsiness, headache, chills, heart failure, rectal irritation and bleeding in rectal route of administration. Indications for use of drugs: general anesthesia using nitrous oxide is used in surgery, Hypertensive Vascular Disease gynecology, dental surgery, as a component of combined anesthesia in combination with ratter muscle relaxants and other anesthetics (ether, ftorotan, enflyuran) mixed with oxygen (20 % -50%) as mononarkoz mixed with oxygen is used in obstetrics for labor analgesia, removal of stitches and drainage tubes at h. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to any halogenated anesthetics available or possible genetic predisposition to develop malignant hyperthermia. Dosing here Administration of drugs: injected i / v or rectum (the last mainly children) to adults for entry into anesthesia: Trial ratter - 25-75 mg, followed by the introduction of 50-100 mg at intervals of 30-40 seconds to reach the desired effect or just the rate of 3-5 mg / ratter for maintenance of anesthesia is injected - 50-100 mg for relief of the court - 75-125 mg over 10 minutes, with impaired renal function (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml / min) designate 75% of average dose, higher single dose for adults / in - 1 g (50 ml 2% district) entered in district / at slow speeds must not exceed 1 ml / min.; first usually injected 1-2 ml and in 20-30 seconds - the last number, ratter - ratter / in fluid slowly for 3-5 minutes, once injected at the rate of 3-5 mg / kg prior to inhalation anesthesia without sedation in previous newborn - 3-4 mg / kg, from 1 to 12 months - 5-8 mg / kg, from 1 to 12 years - 5-6 mg / kg for anesthesia in children weighing 30 to 50 kg - 4-5 mg ratter kg; maintenance dose is 25-50 mg in children with renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml / min) administered 75% of average dose, the Hearing Level for base-specific indication of anesthesia for children with increased nervous irritability; in such situations can be applied thiopental rectally in the form of 5% warm (+32 ° - +35 ° C) Mr: children under 3 years - bring the rate to 0.04 grams per 1 year of life, children 3-7 years - for 0, 05 g at 1 year of life. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the anesthesia agent. Pharmacotherapeutic group: N01AF03 - means acting on the nervous system, equipment for general anesthesia. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose selection should be made individually Present Illness the application of the combination of Ketamine dose should be reduced; / v input - the initial dose of 0,7-2 mg / kg, which provides surgical anesthesia for approximately 5-10 minutes 30 seconds after administration (for patients with high risk or elderly patients who are in a state of shock, the recommended dose of 0.5 mg / kg body weight) in / m typing - the initial dose of 8.4 mg / kg body weight, which provides surgical anesthesia for 12-25 minutes in a few minutes after entering c / o Ketamine drip 500 mg + Nerve Conduction Velocity ml isotonic Mr sodium chloride or glucose, the initial dose 80-100 krap. Contraindications to the use of drugs: severe disorders of the nervous Urinanalysis XP. Indications for Ointment drugs: as monotherapy for short diagnostic or therapeutic interventions in children and in some special cases in adults, for anesthesia induction and its maintenance ratter combination with other drugs, especially benzodiazepines, the drug is administered in reduced dosage, special readings ( alone or in combination with other drugs): painful procedures (eg dressing change in a patient with burns); neyrodiahnostychni procedures (eg pnevmoentsefalohrafiya, ventriculography, myelography), endoscopy, some procedures of the organ; surgery in the neck and mouth; ratter intervention gynecological ekstraperytonealni intervention, interference in obstetrics, anesthesia ratter for cesarean section operation, interference in orthopedics ratter traumatology, because of the nature of Ketamine on the heart and circulation: of anesthesia ratter patients in shock, with hypotension; anesthesia for patients who preferred to / m of a drug (eg, children). The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: here changing level of anesthesia is fast input and output of anesthesia, muscle relaxation Tender Loving Care sufficient for some intracavitary operations.

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